inky pinky ponkyeveryone hates the donkey
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the donkey yet...but, how could anyone hate someone who wrote such awesome words!
Thank you for them.
inky pinky ponkyeveryone hates the donkey
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the donkey yet...but, how could anyone hate someone who wrote such awesome words!
Thank you for them.
this is about running the forum:.
it's a balancing act.
it is impossible to please everyone all the time and i don't go out of my way to try to please anyone ... i just do what i think is right.. some good examples are controversial topics: if i lock or delete something that is controversial then i am accused of "stiffling free speech".
That lady sounds like the witch in Hansel & Gretel. I wouldn't go to her house for pie & cookies!
I might bake some for Simon, though.
well it's thanksgiving today.. yes today is the day families get together and enjoy the company of those we love.. if you are an apostate as we are....this isn't the case.
today our witness families and friends will be getting together and eating a big turkey dinner also....they always do.
are you sad today of the reminder that this religion has broke this relationship?
It's a date!
If you bring the wine, we may not need the turkey.
to anybody lurking and thinking about joining this forum.
please join now!
it's the best thing that i ever did!.
I agree Spanner!
No matter where we are in our lives, we sometimes feel that we're alone. There's nothing worse than feeling alone among a group of people. If you are currently a JW, thinking about joining...thinking about leaving, or trying to recover loss. This is the place to be.
The best therapy is to be around people who think and feel just like you do. Just to know that someone else in this world has had the same thoughts, experiences or pain that you have, means all the difference.
If you need a place to vent, a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to laugh with...
we're here.
Much Love & Welcome
well it's thanksgiving today.. yes today is the day families get together and enjoy the company of those we love.. if you are an apostate as we are....this isn't the case.
today our witness families and friends will be getting together and eating a big turkey dinner also....they always do.
are you sad today of the reminder that this religion has broke this relationship?
I didn't really feel like I was missing anything until I got an email from my sister today. She and I both were baptized in 1974, she was 14 and I was 9. She got to leave the "truth" when she turned 18, I stayed until 33.
I know leaving the JWs is hard at any age, least she has had time to make lasting connections with people outside the org. She told me she was at her in-laws place for Thanksgiving, all about what they were eating and how many friends and family were there. It all sounds so cozy and warm.
I'm not sure if I will ever get to feel that.
did you know any brothers and sisters that attend(ed) meetings regularly, but deep inside seem(ed) to be very unhappy about being a witness?
i ask this question because many people are just blind followers, who don't dare question the leaders and follow like sheep.
The life of a witness is very emotionally draining not to mention guilt ridden. The children are unhappy because basically they can't be a kid and a million other reasons. Wives are unhappy because they have to carry the "load" and pretend that their husbands are the head, they have no self-esteem and are second class (org) citizens. Husbands are unhappy because there are so many demands of them congregation, service, family, work, they have no lives. Compound these factors if the parents had to grow up JW.
There are so many dysfunctional relationships as a result of all the rules, expectations and group pressure imposed by a few men in Brooklyn. How many times did we as witnesses argue or yell at the kids while we were getting ready for the meeting or on the way to one? I've heard it said that "The Family that Prays Together, Stays Together"...This isn't so. It should be revised to "The Family that PLAYS Together, Stays Together" There just isn't much room left in a Witness' life for playing, freedom and being oneself. This forced (by group pressure, or imposed rules) way of life is a sure recipe for unhappiness. What's worse is having to pretend to be happy when you are so miserable.
For the last year that I was a witness, I sat at the hall watching everyone. (inconspicuously of course) Trying to see what was underneath their put-on "meeting faces." It just made me realize what a sad life being a witness really was.
Edited by - Smoldering Wick on 25 November 2002 15:52:46
what do you get if you cross a jehovah's witness with an agnostic?
someone who calls at your door, but doesn't really know why.
what do you get when you cross a jw with a hells angel?.
I actually laughed at some of the jokes on this website:
I'll post a few...
Jehovah's Witness Computer Virus: Deletes all but 144000 select files.
I'm a Jehovah's Bystander. We's like the Witnesses, only we don't wanna get involved.
- Flip Wilson While traveling near Tampa, Florida I passed the "Jehovah's Witness Assembly Hall" and was struck by the fact that that must be where they make them.
- Gene Spafford What do you get when you cross a devil worshipper with a Jehovah's Witness?
Someone who goes from door to door telling people to go to hell. What do you get when you cross a Mafia soldier with a Jehovah's Witness?
Lots of converts. What does Hannibal Lector call a Jehovah's Witness? Free delivery!
- Jay Leno I could never be a Jehovah's Witness... I didn't see the accident. As far as I know, Jehovah didn't hit anybody.
- Greg Taylor My Avon lady just became a Jehovah's Witness. That may not mean much to you, but it saves me one more trip to the door.
- George Carlin
I saw justice in action today for the first time ever. I went out for breakfast this morning with my girlfriend, saw a Jehovah's Witness lock himself out of his own house. Kept ringing the bell.
- Lou Eisen
Do you know what it's like to have one already in the house?
- Julie Barr (comedian) about her sister, a JW
How many Jehovah's Witnesses does it take to change a light bulb?
Three. One to screw in the bulb, and two to knock on your door and ask you if you've seen the light! Ask a Jehovah's Witness: If Jesus were in the hospital and needed an operation, could he get a blood transfusion from God? I learned something the other day. I learned the Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Halloween. I guess they don't like strangers going up to their door and annoying them.
- Bruce Clark
here is a large collection of verses which prove the deity of christ:.
isaiah 6-7 6. for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counseller, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.
7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of david, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
Jesus ------------o------------ God
This used to be one of my favorite forms of cheap entertainment...watching "Christians" spew hatred towards other "Christians," (even condemning each other to eternal damnation) over a game of Trinity pingpong during online chat.
I even jumped in and learned I could play Trinity pingpong all by myself! (I became a master-debater!)
I wonder how long it takes some to learn a lesson in futility?
Does it really matter if I believe in Tom and you believe in Jerry, or that Tom is actually Jerry...or that Tom is bigger than Jerry? I mean they are in the same wonderful cartoon! Can't we all just sit quietly and watch the show?
hi folks.
it has been almost a year since my last posting.
my wife and i have tried to move on with our lives, since we decided to stop being "active" about 14 months ago.
That does work. But, then they'll say..."we all get depressed at just need to pray more, rely on Jehovah, and get back to the meetings & field service." (that's the JW cure for depression lol)
You could tell them you have a rare social phobia and just the thought of stepping into a Kingdom hall throws you into convulsions....or you've developed a severe allergy to monotonous speakers that causes you to go into Anaphylactic Shock whenever you hear the word Armageddon.
Edited by - Smoldering Wick on 22 November 2002 12:56:36
hi folks.
it has been almost a year since my last posting.
my wife and i have tried to move on with our lives, since we decided to stop being "active" about 14 months ago.
Hi Cecil,
I've been "inactive" for four years and have been able to dodge the big DF successfully (for now). It is a very big decision to allow the JWs to disfellowship you. Most of us who were raised as witnesses have too many reasons why getting disfellowshipped isn't right for us. Only we can be the judge in our own lives.
What has worked for me is to just be cordial and try not to get caught in any of their word traps. For instance, if they ask you the dreaded "apostate" prepared. The elders are looking for certain responses from you.
When I was asked "If I thought that Jehovah's Witnesses were God's earthly channel here on earth today?" ...I just said "I'm not sure, I have my doubts."
They cannot disfellowship you for doubting. Even they have doubts.
I was going to email you a link to a thread I started about one of my encounters with the local elders...but, since I see your email is private, here it is.
p.s. turning off the lights and pretending you aren't home works's a JW trick I learned for Halloween.